Popular Authenticated Encryption Methods


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What is Authenticated Encryption

Authenticated encryption is a cryptographic technique that combines both data encryption and message authentication into a single operation. It ensures not only the confidentiality of data but also its integrity, effectively protecting against unauthorized access and tampering. By incorporating encryption and message authentication codes (MACs) together, authenticated encryption guarantees that not only is the information kept secret from unauthorized parties, but any modifications or alterations to the data can be detected, preventing malicious manipulation. This approach is particularly vital in scenarios where both data privacy and trustworthiness are paramount, providing a comprehensive solution to safeguarding sensitive information in a single step.

Several popular authenticated encryption methods have been developed to provide robust data security while ensuring both confidentiality and integrity. Here are some widely recognized authenticated encryption methods:

Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)

Galois/Counter Mode (GCM): GCM combines a counter mode for encryption with a Galois field multiplication for authentication, offering efficient performance and strong security. It’s commonly used in network protocols, TLS, and IPsec.

Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) stands as a prominent figure in the realm of authenticated encryption, seamlessly blending encryption and authentication to provide a robust defense against unauthorized access and tampering. GCM combines the strengths of a counter mode for encryption with the elegance of Galois field multiplication for authentication. This dynamic duo not only ensures data confidentiality but also guards against malicious alterations. With its efficient performance and formidable security, GCM has found a significant home in critical communication protocols like network security, TLS (Transport Layer Security), and IPsec (Internet Protocol Security). Let’s delve deeper into the workings and significance of this remarkable authenticated encryption mode.

Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CCM)

Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CCM): CCM combines counter mode for encryption with CBC-MAC for authentication. It’s commonly used in IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee) and IEEE 802.11i (Wi-Fi) standards.

Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CCM) emerges as a key player in the world of authenticated encryption, offering a comprehensive solution to data confidentiality and integrity. By fusing counter mode encryption with the robustness of CBC-MAC (Message Authentication Code), CCM ensures that data remains confidential while simultaneously providing a means to verify its authenticity. This potent combination makes CCM particularly suitable for applications requiring both secure communication and data integrity, as witnessed in standards like IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee) and IEEE 802.11i (Wi-Fi). In this exploration, we’ll delve into the mechanics and significance of the CCM mode, uncovering how it safeguards data from both eavesdropping and tampering.

Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM)

Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) : This approach first encrypts the data and then generates a MAC over the encrypted data. It offers a clear separation of encryption and authentication steps and is used in various cryptographic protocols.

Offset Codebook Mode (OCB)

Offset Codebook Mode (OCB): OCB provides both encryption and authentication through a single combined operation, offering good performance and security. It’s designed to minimize overhead and is used in various applications.

Offset Codebook Mode (OCB) emerges as a beacon of innovation in the realm of authenticated encryption, providing a harmonious blend of security and efficiency. This mode encapsulates both encryption and authentication within a single, elegant operation, minimizing overhead while maximizing protection. OCB’s unique approach stems from its utilization of offset codes and block cipher operations, resulting in a formidable defense against unauthorized access and tampering. With its ability to efficiently secure data and verify its integrity, OCB finds its footing in diverse applications, from protecting sensitive communications to enhancing the security of digital transactions. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the mechanics and strengths of OCB, uncovering how it streamlines the dual objectives of data confidentiality and authenticity.

Encrypt then Authenticate then Translate (EAX)

Encrypt then Authenticate then Translate (EAX): EAX combines encryption, authentication, and a tweakable block cipher to provide security with good performance. It’s useful in applications where low overhead is important.

Authenticate then Translate (EAX)

Authenticate then Translate (EAX) emerges as a dynamic and versatile approach to authenticated encryption, harmoniously addressing both security and efficiency. By seamlessly integrating encryption, authentication, and a tweakable block cipher, EAX encapsulates data protection and integrity verification within a single, streamlined process. This mode’s distinctive strength lies in its ability to deliver robust security while minimizing computational overhead, making it particularly suitable for scenarios where performance matters. EAX’s innovative structure finds practical application in domains where data privacy and trustworthiness are paramount, offering a potent solution for safeguarding digital communication, storage, and transactions. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the intricacies and advantages of EAX, uncovering how it navigates the intricate landscape of authenticated encryption with grace and effectiveness.


ChaCha20-Poly1305: This combination uses the ChaCha20 stream cipher for encryption and the Poly1305 MAC for authentication. It’s becoming popular due to its simplicity and efficiency, and it’s used in modern cryptographic protocols.

SIV (Synthetic Initialization Vector)

SIV (Synthetic Initialization Vector): SIV mode provides deterministic authenticated encryption, making it suitable for deterministic encryption scenarios. It’s used in applications like disk encryption and deterministic authenticated encryption.

SIV (Synthetic Initialization Vector) emerges as a pioneering solution in the realm of authenticated encryption, offering a unique approach to secure data protection with deterministic properties. Unlike conventional encryption modes, SIV combines encryption and authentication in a way that avoids the risks associated with using the same initialization vector (IV) for multiple messages. This mode’s innovation lies in its ability to generate synthetic IVs, ensuring both confidentiality and integrity while maintaining a consistent output for identical plaintexts. SIV’s deterministic nature makes it a powerful tool for applications like disk encryption, where maintaining data consistency is critical. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the mechanics and benefits of SIV, uncovering how it provides an elegant solution to challenges posed by IV reuse and the need for authenticated encryption.


AES-GCM-SIV: This mode combines AES-GCM for encryption and SIV for additional security. It offers strong security guarantees and is designed to mitigate certain attacks.


AES-CCM: Similar to AES-GCM, AES-CCM combines AES encryption with counter mode for encryption and CBC-MAC for authentication. It’s used in various wireless communication standards.

These authenticated encryption methods each have their strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different use cases depending on factors such as performance, security requirements, and compatibility with existing systems.